GRSISort "v4.0.0.5"
An extension of the ROOT analysis Framework
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
4/** \addtogroup Fitting Fitting & Analysis
5 * @{
6 */
8#include <iostream>
9#include <fstream>
10#include <string>
11#include <vector>
12#include "TH1.h"
13#include "TH2.h"
14#include "THnSparse.h"
15#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
16#include "TPeak.h"
18class TAngularCorrelation : public TObject {
20 TH1D* fIndexCorrelation; /// 1D plot of counts vs. angular index
22 // for diagnostics and re-fitting
23 TH1D* fChi2{nullptr}; /// 1D plot of chi^2 vs. angular index
24 TH1D* fCentroid{nullptr}; /// 1D plot of centroid vs. angular index
25 TH1D* fFWHM{nullptr}; /// 1D plot of FWHM vs. angular index
26 std::map<Int_t, TPeak*> fPeaks; /// array of TPeaks used to create fIndexCorrelations
27 std::map<Int_t, TH1D*> f1DSlices; /// array of 1D histograms used to create fIndexCorrelations
29 // mapping information
30 std::map<Int_t, std::map<Int_t, Int_t>>
31 fIndexMap; /// 2D square array correlating array number pairs with angular index
32 Int_t fNumIndices{0}; /// number of angular indices
33 Int_t fIndexMapSize; /// size of fIndexMap
34 std::vector<Double_t> fAngleMap; /// array correlating angular index with opening angle
35 std::vector<Int_t> fWeights; /// array correlating angular index with weight (number of detector pairs at that index)
37 // folding and grouping information
38 std::vector<Int_t> fGroups; /// array correlating angular index with group assignment
39 std::vector<Double_t> fGroupAngles; /// array correlating group assignment with their average angles
40 Bool_t fFolded; /// switch to indicate a folded correlation
41 Bool_t fGrouped; /// switch to indicate a grouped correlation
43 // modified indices information
44 std::vector<Int_t> fModifiedIndices; // array correlating angular index with modified index
45 std::vector<Int_t> fModifiedWeights; // array correlating modified index with weights
46 std::vector<Double_t> fModifiedAngles; // array correlating modified index with angles
52 TAngularCorrelation& operator=(const TAngularCorrelation&) = default;
53 TAngularCorrelation& operator=(TAngularCorrelation&&) noexcept = default;
54 ~TAngularCorrelation() override;
56 //----------------- getters -----------------
59 // diagnostics and re-fitting
60 TH1D* GetChi2Hst() { return fChi2; }
61 TH1D* GetCentroidHst() { return fCentroid; }
62 TH1D* GetFWHMHst() { return fFWHM; }
63 TPeak* GetPeak(Int_t index);
64 TH1D* Get1DSlice(Int_t index) { return f1DSlices[index]; }
66 // information
67 Int_t GetAngularIndex(Int_t arraynum1, Int_t arraynum2); // returns the angular index for a pair of detectors
68 // TODO: move the next function to implementation file and check if in range
69 Double_t GetAngleFromIndex(Int_t index)
70 {
71 return fAngleMap[index];
72 } // returns the opening angle for a specific angular index
73 // TODO: move the next function to implementation file and check if in range
74 Double_t GetWeightFromIndex(Int_t index)
75 {
76 return fWeights[index];
77 } // returns the weight for a specific angular index
78 Int_t GetGroupFromIndex(Int_t index)
79 {
80 return fGroups[index];
81 } // returns the assigned group for a specific angular index
82 Double_t GetGroupAngleFromIndex(Int_t gindex)
83 {
84 return fGroupAngles[gindex];
85 } // returns the angle for each group index
86 Int_t GetModifiedIndex(Int_t index)
87 {
88 return fModifiedIndices[index];
89 } // returns the modified index from the angular index
90 Int_t GetModifiedWeight(Int_t modindex)
91 {
92 return fModifiedWeights[modindex];
93 } // returns in the weight from the modified index
94 Double_t GetModifiedAngleFromIndex(Int_t modindex)
95 {
96 return fModifiedAngles[modindex];
97 } // returns the angle from the modified index
98 Int_t GetNumGroups() const; // returns the number of groups assigned
99 Int_t GetNumModIndices() const; // returns the number of modified indices
100 Int_t GetWeightsSize() const { return fWeights.size(); } // returns in the size of the fWeights array
102 //----------------- setters -----------------
103 void SetIndexCorrelation(TH1D* hst) { fIndexCorrelation = hst; }
105 // diagnostics and re-fitting
106 // TODO: move the next function to implementation file and update fIndexCorrelation
107 void SetPeak(Int_t index, TPeak* peak) { fPeaks[index] = peak; }
108 void Set1DSlice(Int_t index, TH1D* slice) { f1DSlices[index] = slice; }
110 //----------------- functions that do most of the work
111 TH2D* Create2DSlice(THnSparse* hst, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
112 TH2D* Create2DSlice(TObjArray* hstarray, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
113 TH2D* Modify2DSlice(TH2* hst, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
114 TH1D* IntegralSlices(TH2* hst, Double_t min, Double_t max);
115 TH1D* FitSlices(TH2* hst, TPeak* peak, Bool_t visualization);
116 TH1D* DivideByWeights(TH1* hst, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
117 TGraphAsymmErrors* CreateGraphFromHst(TH1* hst, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
118 TGraphAsymmErrors* CreateGraphFromHst() { return CreateGraphFromHst(fIndexCorrelation, kFALSE, kFALSE); }
120 //----------------- functions for diagnostics, re-fitting, modification of ACs
121 void UpdatePeak(Int_t index, TPeak* peak);
122 void ScaleSingleIndex(TH1* hst, Int_t index, Double_t factor);
124 void UpdateDiagnostics();
125 void DisplayDiagnostics(TCanvas* c_diag);
127 //----------------- functions for checking and printing the mapping
128 void PrintIndexMap(); // print the map
129 void PrintAngleMap(); // print the map
130 void PrintWeights(); // print the map
131 void PrintGroupIndexMap(); // print the map
132 void PrintGroupAngleMap(); // print the group angle map
133 void PrintModifiedIndexMap(); // prints a map between angular and modified indices
134 void PrintModifiedAngleMap(); // prints a map of angles for the modified indices
135 void PrintModifiedWeights(); // prints a map of modified weights
136 void PrintModifiedConditions() const; // prints the current folding and grouping conditions
137 Bool_t CheckGroups(std::vector<Int_t>& group) const;
138 Bool_t CheckGroupAngles(std::vector<Double_t>& groupangles) const;
139 Bool_t CheckMaps(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group); // checks to make sure fIndexMap, fAngleMap, and fWeights are consistent
140 Bool_t CheckModifiedHistogram(TH1* hst) const; // checks to make sure histogram is consistent with current settings
142 //----------------- functions for generating the mapping
143 // original maps
144 static std::vector<Double_t> GenerateAngleMap(std::vector<Int_t>& arraynumbers, std::vector<Int_t>& distances);
145 static std::map<Int_t, std::map<Int_t, Int_t>> GenerateIndexMap(std::vector<Int_t>& arraynumbers,
146 std::vector<Int_t>& distances,
147 std::vector<Double_t>& anglemap);
148 static std::vector<Int_t> GenerateWeights(
149 std::vector<Int_t>& arraynumbers, std::vector<Int_t>& distances,
150 std::map<Int_t, std::map<Int_t, Int_t>>& indexmap); // with input of array number array (crystals that were
151 // present in data collection), generates the weights for each
152 // angular index (no input generates weights for 16 detectors)
153 Int_t GenerateMaps(std::vector<Int_t>& arraynumbers, std::vector<Int_t>& distances);
154 Int_t GenerateMaps(Int_t detectors, Int_t distance);
156 // modified maps
157 Int_t AssignGroupMaps(std::vector<Int_t>& group, std::vector<Double_t>& groupangles);
158 Int_t GenerateGroupMaps(std::vector<Int_t>& arraynumbers, std::vector<Int_t>& distances, std::vector<Int_t>& group,
159 std::vector<Double_t>& groupangles);
160 Int_t GenerateModifiedMaps(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
161 std::vector<Int_t> GenerateModifiedIndices(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
162 std::vector<Double_t> GenerateModifiedAngles(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group);
163 std::vector<Int_t> GenerateModifiedWeights(std::vector<Int_t>& modindices, std::vector<Int_t>& weights);
164 static std::vector<Int_t> GenerateFoldedIndices(std::vector<Double_t>& folds, std::vector<Double_t>& anglemap);
165 static std::vector<Double_t> GenerateFoldedAngles(std::vector<Double_t>& anglemap);
166 void ClearModifiedMaps();
168 /// \cond CLASSIMP
169 ClassDefOverride(TAngularCorrelation, 1) // NOLINT(readability-else-after-return)
170 /// \endcond
172/*! @} */
std::vector< Double_t > fGroupAngles
array correlating angular index with group assignment
TGraphAsymmErrors * CreateGraphFromHst()
void Set1DSlice(Int_t index, TH1D *slice)
TAngularCorrelation(TAngularCorrelation &&) noexcept=default
Double_t GetWeightFromIndex(Int_t index)
Int_t GetAngularIndex(Int_t arraynum1, Int_t arraynum2)
TPeak * GetPeak(Int_t index)
TH1D * DivideByWeights(TH1 *hst, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
Bool_t CheckModifiedHistogram(TH1 *hst) const
std::vector< Double_t > fAngleMap
size of fIndexMap
Int_t GetModifiedWeight(Int_t modindex)
Int_t AssignGroupMaps(std::vector< Int_t > &group, std::vector< Double_t > &groupangles)
std::vector< Int_t > fGroups
array correlating angular index with weight (number of detector pairs at that index)
static std::vector< Int_t > GenerateFoldedIndices(std::vector< Double_t > &folds, std::vector< Double_t > &anglemap)
Bool_t CheckGroups(std::vector< Int_t > &group) const
std::vector< Double_t > GenerateModifiedAngles(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
Int_t GetGroupFromIndex(Int_t index)
TH2D * Create2DSlice(THnSparse *hst, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
std::vector< Int_t > GenerateModifiedWeights(std::vector< Int_t > &modindices, std::vector< Int_t > &weights)
Bool_t fGrouped
switch to indicate a folded correlation
void PrintModifiedIndexMap()
Prints map of angular index vs. Folded Index.
Int_t fIndexMapSize
number of angular indices
1D plot of centroid vs. angular index
TH1D * IntegralSlices(TH2 *hst, Double_t min, Double_t max)
Bool_t CheckGroupAngles(std::vector< Double_t > &groupangles) const
static std::vector< Double_t > GenerateAngleMap(std::vector< Int_t > &arraynumbers, std::vector< Int_t > &distances)
std::vector< Int_t > fModifiedWeights
TH1D * FitSlices(TH2 *hst, TPeak *peak, Bool_t visualization)
static std::vector< Int_t > GenerateWeights(std::vector< Int_t > &arraynumbers, std::vector< Int_t > &distances, std::map< Int_t, std::map< Int_t, Int_t > > &indexmap)
Bool_t fFolded
array correlating group assignment with their average angles
void ScaleSingleIndex(TH1 *hst, Int_t index, Double_t factor)
Int_t GenerateGroupMaps(std::vector< Int_t > &arraynumbers, std::vector< Int_t > &distances, std::vector< Int_t > &group, std::vector< Double_t > &groupangles)
static std::map< Int_t, std::map< Int_t, Int_t > > GenerateIndexMap(std::vector< Int_t > &arraynumbers, std::vector< Int_t > &distances, std::vector< Double_t > &anglemap)
std::vector< Int_t > GenerateModifiedIndices(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
void SetPeak(Int_t index, TPeak *peak)
void UpdatePeak(Int_t index, TPeak *peak)
TAngularCorrelation(const TAngularCorrelation &)=default
TH1D * fChi2
1D plot of counts vs. angular index
Double_t GetGroupAngleFromIndex(Int_t gindex)
Int_t fNumIndices
2D square array correlating array number pairs with angular index
Int_t GenerateMaps(std::vector< Int_t > &arraynumbers, std::vector< Int_t > &distances)
TH1D * Get1DSlice(Int_t index)
Double_t GetModifiedAngleFromIndex(Int_t modindex)
std::map< Int_t, TH1D * > f1DSlices
array of TPeaks used to create fIndexCorrelations
static std::vector< Double_t > GenerateFoldedAngles(std::vector< Double_t > &anglemap)
std::vector< Int_t > fWeights
array correlating angular index with opening angle
std::map< Int_t, TPeak * > fPeaks
1D plot of FWHM vs. angular index
void DisplayDiagnostics(TCanvas *c_diag)
Bool_t CheckMaps(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
std::vector< Int_t > fModifiedIndices
switch to indicate a grouped correlation
Int_t GetModifiedIndex(Int_t index)
std::vector< Double_t > fModifiedAngles
Int_t GenerateModifiedMaps(Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
std::map< Int_t, std::map< Int_t, Int_t > > fIndexMap
array of 1D histograms used to create fIndexCorrelations
TH1D * fCentroid
1D plot of chi^2 vs. angular index
Double_t GetAngleFromIndex(Int_t index)
TH2D * Modify2DSlice(TH2 *hst, Bool_t fold, Bool_t group)
void SetIndexCorrelation(TH1D *hst)
Definition TPeak.h:28