109 if(frag ==
nullptr || chan ==
nullptr) {
115 if(mnemonic ==
nullptr) {
116 std::cerr <<
"Trying to add fragment to TRcmp w/o mnemonic in TChannel! mnemonic == nullptr" << std::endl;
225 std::ostringstream str;
226 str <<
"Rcmp contains: " << std::endl;
const TMnemonic * GetMnemonic() const
void Copy(TObject &) const override
void Clear(Option_t *="") override
virtual EMnemonic CollectedCharge() const
Int_t fCoincidenceTime
GetTime for TDetectorHit is in nanoseconds, so this is in nanoseconds, too!
~TRcmp() override
void SetBitNumber(ERcmpBits bit, Bool_t set=true)
second argument shows that set is true by default
size_t GetFrontFragmentMultiplicity() const
returns the size of the vector that contains all the front fragments (within a build window)
Short_t GetFrontMultiplicity()
returns the size of the vector that contains all the front hits (within a build window)
TRcmp & operator=(const TRcmp &)
void AddFragment(const std::shared_ptr< const TFragment > &, TChannel *) override
! //adds front and back fragments to their respective fragment vectors
std::vector< TFragment > fBackNFragVector
stores all back strip fragments
void Clear(Option_t *opt="all") override
std::vector< TRcmpHit * > fBackNMulVector
! transient vector that stores hits for the back strips (i.e., back multiplicity)
Short_t GetPixelMultiplicity()
returns the size of the vector that contains all the pixel hits (within a build window)
std::vector< TRcmpHit * > fPixelMulVector
! transient vector that stores hits for front+back (i.e., pixel multiplicity)
void Copy(TObject &) const override
std::vector< TRcmpHit * > fFrontPMulVector
! transient vector that stores hits for the front strips (i.e., front multiplicity)
Short_t GetBackMultiplicity()
returns the size of the vector that contains all the back hits (within a build window)
default constructor
Int_t fZeroMultiplicity
keep track of zero multiplicty with this counter (it is incremented every time the Pixel Multiplicity...
TTransientBits< UChar_t > fRcmpBits
flags for transient members
size_t GetBackFragmentMultiplicity() const
returns the size of the vector that contains all the back fragments (within a build window)
std::vector< TFragment > fFrontPFragVector
stores all front strip fragments
void Print(Option_t *opt="") const override
void SetBit(T bit, Bool_t flag)
Bool_t TestBit(T bit) const